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Wednesday 18 April 2012

Predators (2010) [4/5]

Movie Details

  • Suitable for age 15+
  • Release July 2010 (UK)
  • Length: 107 minutes
  • Action, Adventure, Sci-fi
  • 20th Century Fox Production
  • Available in English, Spanish and Russian
  • Producer: Robert Rodriguez
  • Director Nimrod Antal


  • Adrien Brody - 'Royce' 
  • Alice Braga - 'Isabelle'
  • Topher Grace - 'Edwin'
  • Laurence Fishburne - 'Noland'
  • Walton Goggins - 'Stans'
  • Oleg Taktarov - 'Nikolai'
  • Louis Ozawa Changchien - 'Hanzo'
  • Mahershalalhashbaz Ali - 'Mombasa'


A group of 7 hardened criminals, soldiers, mercenaries and one doctor awaken mid-air with a parachute to find that they are being dropped into a jungle. One by one they land and initially try and kill each other, however they soon realize that they are not on Earth anymore and are being hunted by an unseen enemy.

The group is led by the mercenary Royce and he soon discovers that they are being hunted by the Predators for sport. Royce quickly turns that around and the Predators become the hunted as it is the group's only means of survival. 

It soon becomes clear that the Predators adapt very quickly to the human's strategies so it almost becomes a guessing game as to who will die next and who will be alive at the end. There are plenty of plot twists though to keep you guessing and entertained. As the plot unravels we soon discover what each character is capable of in their struggle for survival, especially when they meet Noland who is a crazed man who has so far escaped the Predator's grasp for many seasons.

One by one the characters are picked off and it soon becomes apparent that the doctor, Edwin, is actually a sociopath who feels at home with the 'other monsters'. An epic final battle between 2 Predators, Royce and Isabelle occurs in the middle of the night with dawn bringing victory to the humans. However, that was only for this season as in the background more crates are dropped in.


Although I cannot compare this to the Arnold Schwarzenegger predecessor I found this to be a very entertaining movies just based on its own merits. The plot was easy to follow yet full on intricate twists and turns so that it doesn't become too predictable. The fight scenes have a great build up on tension which is augmented by the epic special effects! The camouflage on the Predator's armor and the Predator's view through their helmets was brilliant. 

I really enjoyed this movie and would recommend it. It compliments and pays homage the other movies in the sequel yet provides us with new entertainment - go watch it and try not to jump too much.
Predators [DVD]

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